How to make Cannabis Cuttings & Clones

How to make Cannabis Cuttings & Clones


Cannabis cloning is a crucial technique for growers seeking to replicate specific strains and maintain genetic consistency. Successful cloning requires careful attention to detail and the use of appropriate tools and methods. In this article, we will explore the process of cannabis cloning using Hormex #8 rooting hormone, water with a pH of 5.8 and a nutrient concentration of 350 ppm, Grodan rooting cubes, 10x20 trays, and humidity domes. It is essential to maintain a moist, but not wet, environment for the cubes, ensuring they are not sitting in water. By implementing these techniques, cultivators can achieve optimal results in cannabis cloning.

Maintaining Moisture Levels

One crucial aspect of successful cannabis cloning is maintaining the right moisture levels in the rooting cubes. While it is important to provide moisture to support root growth, it is equally crucial to avoid excess moisture that can lead to rot or fungal issues. Here's how you can achieve the right balance:

  1. Proper Watering Technique: When watering the rooting cubes, ensure that water is evenly distributed throughout the cube. Avoid over-saturating the cubes, as excess water can lead to oxygen deprivation and hinder root development.

  2. Drainage and Airflow: Use well-draining trays or inserts within the 10x20 trays to prevent the cubes from sitting directly in water. This setup allows excess water to drain away, preventing waterlogged conditions. Additionally, ensure adequate airflow around the cubes to prevent the buildup of excess moisture.

  3. Mist or Spray Method: Instead of pouring water directly onto the cubes, consider using a misting or spraying method to provide moisture. This approach helps maintain a controlled level of moisture without over-saturating the cubes.

Humidity Domes and Ventilation

Humidity domes play a crucial role in maintaining the right environment for successful cannabis cloning. Here's how to effectively utilize humidity domes:

  1. Humidity Control: Humidity domes help create a humid microclimate, preventing excessive moisture loss through transpiration. However, it's important to monitor humidity levels and ensure they do not become excessively high, as this can lead to mold or fungal growth. Aim for a humidity level between 70-80% for optimal results.

  2. Ventilation: Proper ventilation is essential to prevent the buildup of stagnant air and excess humidity within the dome. Ventilate the domes periodically by lifting the lid or creating small vents to allow fresh air exchange. This helps prevent issues such as damping off and encourages healthy growth.

Monitoring and Adjusting

Throughout the cloning process, it's crucial to monitor the moisture levels in the rooting cubes and the overall environment. Here are a few key considerations:

  1. Regular Inspection: Check the rooting cubes daily to ensure they remain moist but not overly wet. Adjust watering frequency if necessary to maintain the desired moisture level.

  2. Environmental Factors: Take into account external factors such as temperature and humidity variations. Adjust watering and ventilation accordingly to maintain optimal conditions.

Keep the tray under 24 hours of light and within 10 to 24 days you will see roots all of your cuttings.


Mastering cannabis cloning requires careful attention to moisture levels and providing the right environment for root development. By utilizing Hormex #8 rooting hormone, water with a pH of 5.8 and a nutrient concentration of 350 ppm, Grodan rooting cubes, 10x20 trays, and humidity domes, while ensuring proper moisture control and avoiding excess water, growers can achieve optimal results in cannabis cloning. Remember to monitor and adjust environmental conditions throughout the process to maximize success rates. With patience and diligence, cultivators can achieve consistent and healthy cannabis clones, setting the stage for a successful cultivation journey.