Jack Herer: The Emperor of Hemp - A Cannabis Activist’s Journey

Jack Herer: The Emperor of Hemp - A Cannabis Activist’s Journey

In this captivating podcast, Todd McCormick, a former cancer survivor turned lifelong cannabis advocate, shares the remarkable life story of Jack Herer. Jack Herer, author of the groundbreaking book: The Emperor Wears No Clothes, dedicated his life to raising awareness about cannabis sativa (also known as marijuana or hemp) and its many utilizations. Todd worked closely with Jack, serving as an editor for the book and continuing Jack’s legacy after his passing.

The podcast delves into Jack Herer’s realization that hemp could save the planet and reverse decades of environmental destruction. From advocating for cannabis legalization to receiving the first international prescription for medical cannabis in the Netherlands, Jack’s journey is one of passion, resilience, and unwavering commitment. Join Todd McCormick as he shares anecdotes, insights, and historical context, celebrating the enduring impact of Jack Herer’s work.